Mandarin Phrases with double meanings
As language evolves, it goes without saying that meaning will alter or even completely change. This is true for all languages and Mandarin is no exception. So, let’s look at a few seemingly innocent phrases and their hidden meanings. 戴绿帽子 dai lu maozi: To wear a green hat This is an unusual concept but nonetheless very interesting. Ever wondered why you get more than the usual weird looks when you wear a green hat? During the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang made it a law for all men working in the prostitution trade to wear green hats. Later on, this green hat was used to identify a man whose wife had been unfaithful and thus, “made him wear a green hat.” This is why you will never see a Chinese person, especially a man, wearing a green hat. It infers that his wife has been unfaithful 吃软饭 chi ruan fan: To eat soft rice Literally this phrase means “to eat soft rice” but has the interpretative meaning of a man who is supported financially by a female. 飞机场 fei ji...